The Land of Xanth

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About the Gourd...

Gourds are little squash that grow on vines and have a peephole in each one.  If you look into a gourd, you become a part of the world inside, much like a dream world, until someone breaks your line of sight.  If you're touching a person inside of the Gourd when your sight is broken, that person or thing will come with you.

Never eat or drink anything if you've stumbled upon a peephole.  If you do, you can't leave.  It is possible to die as a result of being stuck inside the Gourd, though, only due to dehydration or starvation, or perhaps some beast that would stumble upon your helpless physical body and eat it whole... like a dragon.  Which, dragons aren't very smart in Xanth.

There's another way to get out of a gourd though, too.  You'd have to ride out on a Night Mare, a female horse that carries the horrible dreams of the night, leaving a stamp of signature as they leave.  It would cost half your soul to ride the Mare, but don't worry, it grows back.  How do you think Moms and Dads get the rest of theirs back?  I can't explain more about that here, though, the Adult Conspiracy and all.

When travelling through the Gourd, some of the first places you come across are the Haunted House and the Graveyard.  Watch out for the Zombies, they're nice and all, but the way they just keep falling apart... ick.

The Gap Chasm...

Now, across the center of Xanth, horizontally, there is a wide ravine known as the Gap Chasm. It crosses Xanth from West Coast to East Coast and upon approching the Gap, it has a cliff, a sheer drop off below.  So, if you don't know it's there and you're not watching where you are going, which isn't an idiot assumption, a Forget Spell was placed on it a long while back and little pieces of it are still there, causing everyone to forget about it, you could drop off the edge and, needless to say, the gap is very, very deep. The walls of the gap are straight up and there are very few footholds, so climbing the walls is quite a challenge. In the Gap's walls live nickelpedes (similar to centipedes only five times worse). They can gouge out nickel sized pieces of flesh and they don't like light, so they pretty much stay in the crevasses and any shadowed place where the Gap Dragon is not.

Ah, yes, the Gap Dragon, a. k. a., Stanely Steamer.  He is deadly to anything or anyone who enters the Gap. Stanely is a huge steamer dragon with six stubby legs. He has super hearing and sense of smell. If he senses anyone in the Gap he comes whomping ( i.e. :: running dragon, whomp whomp whomp...:: ). He will steam you to the bone and eat you right up. It is best to avoid the Gap Dragon, but he is very important in the defense of Xanth. When the Gap Dragon is away, Stella or Stacey Steamer take over. They can be just a deadly. Stanley later gets "youthened" and becomes a very close friend of Princess Ivy. You can read about that in Dragon On A Pedestal.

There aren't too many ways to cross the Gap Chasm.  One way, is to fly over, but good luck with that if you're as human as Braddli.  There are however, three bridges over it, but they're pretty hard to find.  One is invisible.  The other bridge is the One Way bridge.  You can only cross it from South to North.  Thus, it's only one way.  Of course, if you're coming from the North and someone from the South touches the bridge while you cross, it's possible.  Now, what happens if you turn around or try to cross the wrong way?  Well, have a good fall.  The last bridge is a normal bridge, but most people don't know about it because of the Forget Spell.  It's the Castle Roogna Bridge.  Once you leave the area, you usually forget all about it again.


Castle Roogna


The central government and human social center of Xanth is located at Castle Roogna.  It was built by centaurs and is located south of the Gap, which is near the center of Xanth. It's where the kings of Xanth reside, though the castle was deserted for over 400 years. (The modern kings resided in their own villages.)  The castle's ghosts and zombies stayed to protect the castle and  awaited a new king who would reside there.  The zombies have always defended the castle to their very last bit of rotten flesh.

 The castle ghosts are very important to the history of Castle Roogna and the whole of  Xanth. The surrounding magical Xanth and none of them fail to be amusing in some way.  There are the dangerous trees such as Tangle Trees or Tanglers that will trap and eat you. There are also the kind of trees that provide food and shelter. There's a lot of different types of trees in gardens of the castle that are not only  important to the castle but to the whole of  Xanth as well. They are not only a great food source, they are also protection for the castle. The pie trees are the favorites of many.

In Xanth you never have to worry about food or clothing because there are bushes & trees to supply you with all you need. Such as shoe trees and pillow bushes etc...In the castle library there are books of spells and information about the magical items in the castle. There are magic mirrors to communicate with Good Magician Humfrey & The Zombie Master. There also is a magic carpet to  travel around Xanth on.  Another magical item of great importance is the Tapestry.  It's like a television, only, it only shows what the viewer concentrates on, which takes practice, and it shows the entire history of Xanth as it happens, it can be fast forwarded, shown in other's perspective, and rewound, ect...

The story behind the building of Castle Roogna is in Castle Roogna.

Hazards of Xanth

There are quite a lot of things to watch out for in Xanth.  One being the basilisk, which is a small, brightly colored lizard that, if it catches your gaze with its own, will turn you to stone.

Harpies are another.  Always dirty, the grimy, greasy wings of a buzzard, the head and breasts of a rather ugly woman.  Their swears'll make your ears burn and your flowers wither.

My favorite hazard of Xanth is King Columbo Fracto Nimbus, once a demon, was turned into a cloud and stuck to picking on unsuspecting travellers with bad weather by raining on them.  Columbo stayed in a gasy form too long and was inevitably stuck that was for eternity.

Paths are things with minds of their own.  There are one-way paths as well, they vanish as you walk along. A Tangle Tree, or Tangler, makes the path to itsself very lovely and inviting, its tentacles left free of the path so that, once close enough, it can ensnare its vicitim and eat it.  Not many things can get free of a Tangle Tree, sometimes not even Ogres.

Ogres are stupid creatures, their only talent being able to curdle water with a single glance and being idiots.  An ogre would rather beat first, ask questions later, which, aren't ever worded well.

Nicklepedes, as mentioned earlier, gouge holes through anything they feel like the size of nickles.

Wiggles are swarms of little larvae-type things that bore through anything until they feel like stopping, a swarm usually happens underground, but they cause large holes much like bullets with loud ZAPs and are faster than can be seen.

A yak is something I haven't researched much yet, but I know they'll talk your ear off, literally.

Pookas are usually horses, covered in chains.  Mischievious things, they rattle their chains, causing those who hear to want to find the source, only to get hopelessly lost if the follow the sound.

Love Springs are a danger because if someone were to fall in one or drink from it, they would fall hopelessly in love with the next person of the opposite sex they saw, or whatever sex they were attracked to usually, anyhow.  This is why there are so many cross-breeds in Xanth.

Hate Springs do the opposite.  Loathesome hate commits to the next person they see after a dose of this.

Youth Springs are uncommon, but Humphry and the Gap Dragon know where it is.  An overdose of this can be deadly.

...more to be added.


Ances-tree - A tree whose branches split and break off into different branches till there is too many to count.

Armor-dillo - A small bush that grows the best armor.

Artis-trees - Trees with many artistic designs.

Boabab tree - Monstrous tree which towers way above the jungles, it grows upside down, with roots in the air and branches

Berry-Berries - Doubled berries that taste very good but slowly cause paralysis and wasting away.

Boot-Rear - Drink that comes from a tree that gives you a good kick in the rear when drank.

Burr - makes people very icy cold when touched

Cabage - babies grow under the leaves.

Casius-tree - very argumentative tree, very hair splitting.

Catnip - a tiny smelling plant with furry leaves

Curse Burrs - little balls of irritation that cling anywhere on a persons body and you have to curse at each one to get them off.

Heliotrope - Plant which imitates the suns heat and dehydrates everything around it.

Hypnogourd - A vine that grows melon looking fruit called gourds, each gourd contains a peephole. Anyone that looks in a
peephole is instantly trapped in the realm of bad dreams.

Justin Tree - A man transformed by Magician Trent into a tree. His bark is the color of Tanned flesh and leaves are shaped of
flattened hands. His talent is voice projection. He can talk to all un-transformed creatures.

Kraken - A seaweed monster, very dangerous.

Eye-Que vine - a vine that has eye-balls on it and when set on a persons head it dissolves.  It makes a person think they are
smarter than they are.

Mys-tree - a tree that is difficult to figure out...

Neddle-cactus - a cacti that shoots needles at presumed enemies.

Noose Loop Bush - it loops a vine around intruders when they walk into it, capturing them.

Optical bush - contains sorts of glasses and contact lenses.

Passion fruit - Makes the person that eats it very passionate to the person they're with..

Pumpkin - A gourd that inflates objects/things.

Resurrection Fern - Resurrects memories that people have, can be very painful or happy ones.

Reverse wood - Reverses the powers of magic or nulls it.

Silver Oak - A tree that is entirely silver and repels evil magic.

Stink horn - Plant shaped like a horn and smell and sound very funny when blown.

Stunflower - Stuns people with a radiant light.

Thyme - A plant that can speed up or slow down time. They come in many different types, Minute plant, day plant... so on...

Tree of immortality - tree that gives immortality, guarded by the maenads.

Tree of Seeds - a HUGE tree with EVERY type of seed growing on it. It's guarded by Simurgh.

Umbrella Tree - a tree that provides an umbrella like canopy to protect people/creatures from rain and so forth.

Vegetable Garden - A garden that grows all the vegetables that children dislike.

Water chestnut - nut filled with water.

Wild Oats - Trees that grow Nymph's for young men's pleasures.

Animal Life

Centaur - Crossbreed between a human and a man. The body of a horse with the upper half of a man.

Golem - A miniature man shaped figure made of clay, sticks and rags. Stands about a palms length high.

Zombie - The decaying remains of any deceased living creature.

Allegory - Has a long snout, resembles a crocodile.

Elf - Small human figure, stands 1/3 or less the height of a normal human. It can not go long away from it's tree.

Nymph - Forever young nude woman that lives forever. Cannot go long without being with it's tree or whatever else it's tied to (water, land, etc).

Faun - Human figure with goats legs.

Basilisk - Body of a flying lizard with the claws and head of a chicken, also called a cockatrice, henatrice and chickatrice.

Bed Monster - The monster under the bed that grabs the feet of young children and cannot come out in the light.

Brassies - Human figure, made of brass and live inside the gourd.

Brain Coral - Living creature that protects the Demon X(A/N)TH from being bothered. It's pool can store living creatures for eons without aging them.

Bread-and-Butter-fly - That's where you get butter, from, Silly.

Cyclops - One eyed giant. hairy with a human figure

Chobees - long reptilian bodies with long snouts and so seeming sharp teeth....

Copycat - looks like the mundane cat, it likes to copy things, such as papers and voices.

Cowboys - Men with the heads of cattle

Night Mares and Day Mares - Bringers of dreams, Night Mares bring Nightmares and Day Mares bring day dreams.

Goblins - disgusting ferocious little men that eat anything they can get their hands on. The females however are considered attractive.

Harpies - Foul mean birds with the head of a human. They are ugly and stink very bad and can curse like you wouldn't believe, but the males are supposed to be attractive, human/vulture crossbreeds.

Goblin/Harpy - Cross between a goblin and a harpy. They would be very attractive if conceived by a female goblin and a male harpy and very ugly if it were the other way around.

Demons - Creatures made of spirit without a soul, are heartless, crude and sometimes downright mean.

Dragonflies - a smaller dragon with wings

Dragons - come in many sizes and varieties. No need to explain dragons.

Mermaids - Human from waist up and fish from waist down.

Gnomes - humanoid, 1/3 the height of normal humans and reside mostly in underground regions.

Griffins - Head and wings of an eagle and body of a lion.

Hippogryph - Forepart of a Griffin and the body of a horse.

Hydra - Dragon with multiple heads, when one is cut off, two more grow in it's place.

Unicorn - Horse with a twisting pointed horn growing from it's forehead.

Maenads - crazy, wild women that like to eat people.

Magic Sniffer - has a long flute like snout and sniffs out magic.

Manticora - Head of a man, Body of a lion, Wings of a dragon and tail of a scorpion. Is about the size of a horse.

Midas Bug - turns everything it touches into gold.

Minotaur - Body of a man with a mean head of an angry bull.

Nickelodeon - Box like creature that plays music while consuming Nicklepedes.

Nicklepede - Forearm length creatures that are made of steel and have pinches that take nickle-sized bites out of living creatures. Also shapes and sizes vary with others of it's type, Centipedes, Dimepedes, Quarterpedes....

Ogres - Huge, UGLY humanoid monsters with heads uglier than a bowl of mush and with the strength of hundreds of men, they only talk in rhymes....

Roc - The largest of the birds. They like rock gardens and rock music. They can be very ferocious when aroused.

Salamander - Small lizard that shots fire out it's snout.

Loan shark - Hides in water with its fin sticking up and charges people an "arm and a leg" to get across..

Simurgh - The keeper of the tree of seeds, who has seen the world end many times..

Sphinx - Human face, Bull body, Wings of an eagle and legs of a lion. Very huge. In fact one is sleeping in a place called Egypt, Mundania.

Wiggles - dangerous worm-like creatures that fly through the air and put holes in everything in their path. Very dangerous indeed.

Stork - A mundane looking bird that delivers babies to the creatures of Xanth.

Troll - a creature much like the Goblins. They live under bridges.

Wyvern - Small flying dragons, barbed tail and only two legs. They can shoot fire from their snouts.

Yak - A mundane looking creature that can talk yours ears off.

Com Pewter - A machine that can change reality in it's vicinity. (computer)

Naga - People with the lower body of a snake and upper body of a human, and can change to either of those species.